Project Management Around the Community

Project managers come from various backgrounds and have realized/used different ways to develop themselves professionally. The Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is a great credential, but there is an opportunity to go beyond what is in the PM Body of Knowledge.  


In this session, our panel of experienced project managers from diverse backgrounds will provide an overview of what they do daily. The panelists will also provide insight into what skills someone looking to become a project manager will need to succeed and offer professional development tips.  


Our goal is to provide attendees with a forum to hear similarities and differences with established project managers’ careers and gain knowledge on using professional development time and opportunities to build their skillset. 


Come talk the talk and learn the walk with us. 

Event Details

Event Date 07-13-2021 7:00 pm
Event End Date 07-13-2021 8:00 pm
Cut off date 07-13-2021
Registered 18
Available place 32
Individual Price Free
Location Virtual Meeting

We are no longer accepting registration for this event